The Lies are Killing Us

I don't know how you, but I have reached a point where I can't take the daily No. 10 briefings. There is no end to the half-truths, omissions and outright lies; it's the £350m red bus all over again. »


The Race is On

Which of our politicians is going to come up with the worst COVID-19 joke today, I wonder? All bets are off on this one, of fools



Not Dyson, FFS!

The UK Government has yet to put a foot right in its handling of the COVID-19 epidemic, and the decision to order 10,000 yet to be invented ventilators from a vacuum cleaner manufacturer while refusing to join the EU procurement effort is almost certainly another misstep on the way to the mother of all Public Inquiries. »


7 Weeks in ...

... and still not following the WHO guidelines. But what does the WHO know, eh? It takes an astonishing level of arrogance to ignore the WHO and at the same time to claim to follow the best scientific advice. But then, this is the guy who gave us the £350m red bus. »


Why Testing Matters

As I noted yesterday morning, testing is at the heart of the WHO procedures for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is rather disappointing that both the UK and Scottish Governments are still choosing to ignore this. We are already reaping the consequences of this, and it will rapidly snowball. »


Governed by Misfits and Weirdos

If, like me, you were were curious what to expect from a government seeking to employ misfits and weirdos, the wait is over. It means nothing more than ignoring prevailing scientific opinion when formulating government policy. »


Updated Photies Site

I finally revamped my photos site. I have meant to do this for over a year now, but didn't get to it until now. The biggest change is no more SmugMug. »


Scotland the Invisible

All in all 2019 wasn’t a bad year by any means, but nevertheless, for a variety of reasons I needn’t to bore you with, it sticks in mind as a year of journeys unrealised and photographs untaken, of unfinished business and, not least, a year of blogs unpublished. Free time was harder to find, and even harder to set aside.

As such I was reluctant to waste my life on long car journeys, and much of my time outdoors was spent exploring what I call ‘The Invisible Places’: »